What is Bullying?
Bullying is harming someone (physically or emotionally), for a long period of time.
Types of Bullying...
- Cyber Bullying- Cyber-bullying occurs over the internet and/or social media. This type of bullying is often not reported, because(Most often) the bully has an anonymous username, preventing anyone from knowing who they are.
- Physical Bullying- Physically harming someone repeatedly, for a long period of time. Examples of physical bullying are, punching/hitting, 'beating-up', and kicking.
- Verbal Bullying- Saying hurtful things to someone face-to-face and/or behind there back. Studies show that this is the most common way that girls bully. This is one of the cruelest ways to bully someone.
How Does Bullying Affect People?
People who are bullied are at a higher risk of suicide and/or self-harm. Bullying may also result in unexplained school absences. This makes a negative impact on their education.
How Can You Help...
- If you see someone being bullied or harassed, report it to an adult you trust.
- If you don't feel safe at school or at home call:
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