Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Definition of Bullying: Using superior strength or influence to intimidate, typically to force a person to do what one wants.

Definition of Physical Bullying: Form of violence using the body as a the main weapon.
     Ex: Someone shoves you into a locker.

Definition of Emotional bullying: Any act including confinement, isolation,verbal assault,humiliation,intimidation,infantilization, or any other treatment which may diminish the sense of identity,dignity, and self-worth.

     Ex: Someone making fun of someone while hurting their feelings.

What to do if you get bullied:
  • Talk to adults or people you trust.
  • Go to your counselor for advice 
  • Look at the person bullying you in a calm, clear voice and tell them to stop 
  • Do not react
Do not be a BYSTANDER:
 If you see someone being bullied, do not stand by, tell an adult or your school counselor.

                                           Statistics on Bullying
19.6% of high school students in the US report being bullied at school in the past year. 14.8% reported being bullied online. 
64 percent of children who were did not report it; only 36 percent reported the bullying .

Bulling is not right.                  

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