Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Definition of Bullying: Using superior strength or influence to intimidate, typically to force a person to do what one wants.

Definition of Physical Bullying: Form of violence using the body as a the main weapon.
     Ex: Someone shoves you into a locker.

Definition of Emotional bullying: Any act including confinement, isolation,verbal assault,humiliation,intimidation,infantilization, or any other treatment which may diminish the sense of identity,dignity, and self-worth.

     Ex: Someone making fun of someone while hurting their feelings.

What to do if you get bullied:
  • Talk to adults or people you trust.
  • Go to your counselor for advice 
  • Look at the person bullying you in a calm, clear voice and tell them to stop 
  • Do not react
Do not be a BYSTANDER:
 If you see someone being bullied, do not stand by, tell an adult or your school counselor.

                                           Statistics on Bullying
19.6% of high school students in the US report being bullied at school in the past year. 14.8% reported being bullied online. 
64 percent of children who were did not report it; only 36 percent reported the bullying .

Bulling is not right.                  

Bystanders Stand

So here is the problem, physical bullying hurts on the inside and outside, and the bystanders don't have to stand by. We want you to take an action. If you don't take an action, and if others think the same way, then no one will take a stand and the physical bullying will continue. Not only do we want you to take an action, we want the bystanders to stand up against physical, cyber, and verbal bullying. If you happen to be a bystander, you need to stand up against the person who is bullying someone, and stand up for the victim of the bullying as well.

Here are some examples of how to stop bullying:

Tell a parent or counselor about the situation
Tell the bully to stop (In a non violent tone)
Boost the victim's confidence to stand up
Put up posters against bullying
Put out statements or campaigns
Speak at schools

Monday, March 30, 2015




Currently, hundreds of stereotypes exist about different groups of people. No group of people are safe from such of thoughts and beliefs. In fact, stereotypes sometimes play the roll in the criminal justice system, lending institution decisions, the educational process and more. A stereotype can easily embedded into the mind of society until some person or group of people is brave enough to prove it incorrect. The list of stereotypes is endless.   About The Stereotype and Stereotyping

What is stereotyping?

A stereotype is an assumption of a person that is not true and very exaggerating. Stereotype's are usually about how the person looks or the actions of a person. They are usually the cause of rumor's of the person. For example "Oh my gosh did you hear about her I heard that she was..." and then it goes on in false rumors.

Proving the stereotypes wrong.

Watch Stop Stereotypes.

Do we stereotype?
We, as humans beings, stereotype, categorize, judge, separate and label everyone and anything around us- usually without conscious thought. For example One typical stereotype is ¨Gothic¨. A goth is stereotypically a person who acts depressed, is pale, wears mostly black clothing, heavy makeup, and has very little emotion. Truth is just because someone wears black daily, and wears heavy makeup doesn't mean they are emotionless or any different than the rest of us. The effects of stereotyping are obvious to anyone who cares to look.Stereotype can all conclude to bullying and bullying is a serious case it can lead to death.

5 ways to prevent stereotypes

#1:Get to know the person more
#2:Get in their shoes
#3:Stop yourself from stereotyping someone
#4:Find something else to focus on
#5:Realize other people stereotype and make a change by not doing it

Percentages of stereotype bullying

Public schools:
52% students stereotype

Private schools:
38% students stereotype

Thursday, March 26, 2015

You Are...Hallway

The Story behind the Hallway

What is Bullying?  Why it Matters.

       Bullying means to use strength or influence over someone to physically or with words.  Bullying physically means pushing, shoving, or punching the victim in violent ways.  Bullying with words is to call people names and make fun of their differences.  Whichever form of bullying it is, it's not good.  3.2 million people are bullied each year.  Bullying is not something that only happens in movies.  IT'S REAL.  Think if you were bullied.  Would it feel good?

Jamie's Story

      Jamie Nabozny was bullied throughout middle and high school for being openly gay.  When Nabonzny went to his school principal about the bullying, she would say, "Boys will be boys."  This action did not stop the bullying.   During school the bullying started to go to an extreme.  The kids at Jamie's school would physically hurt him, and sometimes send him to the hospital.  Jamie's fear of being abused caused him to drop out of high school.  Soon after, he decided to take the situation into court.  When his case finally got accepted, Jamie had many witnesses including one of his middle school bullies.  Eventually, Jamie and his family won the case because of the 14th amendment: The "Equal Protection Clause does... require the state to treat each person with equal regard, as having equal worth, regardless of his or her status."  In Jamie's video documentary Bullied, he felt he was not safe or accepted at his school; We hope to make to feel safe and treated equally at our school which is the purpose of the You Are... Hallway.

Image result for dont bullyWhat is the "You Are... Hallway"

      The "You Are... Hallway",  is a hallway where you can feel safe and secure.  The "You Are... Hallway" has a banner that says "You Are..."  There are also words on the banner that represent the actions you should do or the attitude you should have.  For example: Kind, proud, happy, generous, ect.  That is why we named this hallway the "You Are... Hallway."

How Can Ann Richards Get Involved?  

      Our target for the "You Are... Hallway" is everyone at the Ann Richards School.  We want everyone at Ann Richards to be in a bully free community.  One way you can get involved is to participate in our challenge.  Our challenge is for everyone at ARS to preform at least one act of kindness per day.  There was one school that tried this challenge and had a dramatic drop in bullying.  (We hope it works at our school too.)  We would also like to ask you a question: Have YOU done your act of kindness today?



Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bully
Cyber bullying comes in many forms, mean text messages, phone calls, pretending to be someone else online, social media, and any other form of bullying using electronics.
The most common reactions from being cyberbullied:

Positive Reactions

Negative Reactions

  • Blocking communications
with the cyber bully.
  • Deleting messages 

without reading them.
  • Talking to a friend or

adult about the bullying.
  • Reporting the problem 

to an internet service provider or website moderator.
  • Seeking revenge 

on the bully.
  • Avoiding friends 

and activities.
  • Cyber bullying back 

or to others.

Some people believe that the cyber bully, doesn't think its a big deal, doesn't think of the consequences, is encouraged by friends, doesn't think he/she will get caught, or thinks that everyone is a cyberbully.
Some ways to prevent cyber bullying are, to refuse to pass along cyber bullying messages, tell people to stop cyberbullying, block the cyberbullies, or report cyberbullying to a trusted adult. You can also prevent cyberbullying by, speaking with school offices or other students to develop rules against cyberbullying, or creating champagnes against cyberbullying can change peoples perspectives on cyberbullying.
The information above was found at

Here are a few pictures and charts about cyberbullying.

This picture was found at


Image result for bullying


By Eliane Levy

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Even though bullying is NEVER okay, it still happens all over the world. It not only affects victims, but affects everyone surrounding the problem. Bystanders are almost always affected when someone else is bullied. Bystanders can either become bullies themselves, or become victims of bullying. In short, bullying is NEVER okay.

Tips for stopping bullying:

 If you ever see bullying in the process, you should stop it right away. Here are some things that you could do in order to stop it as soon as possible.

1. Talk to an adult that you trust about bullying so that they can stop the problem as soon as possible. Any adult that you trust and know will help stop bullying will do, as long as you trust them. These adults can include your parents, the principal, the vice principal, the school counselor, etc; Just remember, THEY NEED TO BE SOMEONE YOU CAN TRUST.

 2. If no adults are available or they cannot be trusted, then you need to be able to stand up to the bully. There are strength in numbers, so you need a lot of friends/people that can recognize what is happening IS wrong.

 3. Remember, NOBODY can change who you are, only you.
  The definition for bullying is to: Use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. This is what Google thinks, and we do, too. There are many different ways to communicate in the human world, and sadly, bullying is one of them. We all need to work extra to get rid of bullying, permanently. Just getting rid of bullying for a little while isn't OK. If we can all work together, we can completely demolish bullying. It may take a while, but it will be worth it!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bullying is a Problem...

What is Bullying?

               Bullying is harming someone (physically or emotionally), for a long period of time. 
bullying_header.gif (277×162)Bullying is usually between two people varying in power, popularity, and size. The most common type of bullying is cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying is the most common type of bullying, because most likely, the bullies are hidden behind an anonymous username.

Types of Bullying...

  • Cyber Bullying-  Cyber-bullying occurs over the internet and/or social media. This type of bullying is often not reported, because(Most often) the bully has an anonymous username, preventing anyone from knowing who they are.
  • Physical Bullying- Physically harming someone repeatedly, for a long period of time. Examples of physical bullying are, punching/hitting, 'beating-up', and kicking.
  • Verbal Bullying- Saying hurtful things to someone face-to-face and/or behind there back. Studies show that this is the most common way that girls bully. This is one of the cruelest ways to bully someone.

How Does Bullying Affect People?

People who are bullied are at a higher risk of suicide and/or self-harm. Bullying may also result in unexplained school absences. This makes a negative impact on their education.

you-are-loved-8x10.jpg (2400×3000) How Can You Help...

  • If you see someone being bullied or harassed, report it to an adult you trust.
  • If you don't feel safe at school or at home call:



Monday, March 23, 2015

Information on Bullying

  Bullying is a very serious topic that is constantly happening everyday at schools and many kids/teenagers are being hurt because of this and some even trying to commit suicide.


Types of bullying for example: 

 Physical bullying is when someone is fighting, hitting or name calling.

Verbal bullying is when you are teasing, name calling, inappropriate sexual comments, taunting, and threatening to cause harm.
Emotional-social interactions
 Emotional-social interaction bullying  is when somebody is gossiping or leaving people out of things.

Internet(cyber bullying).
 Internet bullying (cyber bullying) is when somebody is sending you bad messages or bad things through texts or online.

Kids more likely to get bullied
 Lots of kids miss school or skip it because of the fear of being bullied.Kids/group of people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender youth, or youth with disabilities have a greater chance of being bullied.

Characteristics a bully might have
-easily frustrated and aggressive
-have less parental involvement or have issues at home
-think badly of others -have difficulties following rules
-view violence in a positive way and -have friend who bully others.

How to prevent bullying
Parents, school staff, and adults in the community can help by talking about it, building a safe school environment and creating a community-wide bullying prevention strategy.

How to respond to bullying
Stop bullying on the spot is when adults respond quickly and consistently to bullying behavior, they send the message that it is not acceptable. Find out what happened in the situation and find the best way to proceed. Support the kids who are involved whether they are being bullied, bully others or see bullying. Be more than a bystander.

What can bullying lead to 
-health complaints
-decrease in academic achievement
-likely to miss, skip or drop out of school
-changes in sleep and eating


Friday, March 13, 2015

                                               The Thing about Bullying 

     Bullying comes in many ways. Physical, cyber bullying, and even using words, but none of them are okay. When people are bullied, they are hurt, physically and emotionally. Bullying affects so many people in so many different ways. 

    More than 160,000 kids stay home from school each day to avoid being bullied or harassed. Because of this, kids are not getting the education that they need. The kids who get bullied at school are usually surrounded by bystanders who just stare at them and walk right past. We can help prevent this issue by being more aware of what is going on around us. We need to stand up for them instead of watch them suffer. 

      Another type of bullying is labeling people with stereo types. When you use stereo types it lowers kids self esteem. They need to know that being there selves is a good thing. For example, when you use the stereo type, "like a girl", we want to teach girls that "like a girl" can be made into something different (video at the bottom). 

      Cyber bullying is also a big problem when it comes to bullying. When kids get emails or texts that say things like you're dumb, they start to believe it. This lowers their self esteem. We can fix this by making sure that everyone is aware that this is happening and the consequences of their actions.

         Kids are being bullied all over the world, and so many people are just standing there, watching them suffer. Having enough people to stand up against bullying is not the problem, the problem is that there aren't enough people willing to take the chance.              

                                                  TAKE THE CHANCE