Monday, December 8, 2014

6th Grade Toolbox

Reading and Writing Assignments:

When assigned a reading or writing as homework it may hard, but there are some techniques to do this homework/assignment. Some people annotate or write there ideas, some people collaborate and figure things out, some read through things and ask for guidance from others, but the one I will focus and write about is annotation! Annotation is a way to write notes, make connections to the text that you have read, understand the text better than just reading through it and reflect on what you have read.  An example is when you are reading something you can add notes to your self and connections by using sticky notes, a piece of paper and etc. to make the reading assignment not be so overwhelming. An example that we all know is our annotation homework and how we have to understand and make connections.

Memorizing Facts/Notes: You are in a situation where have test or quiz that you have to memorize facts an notes to pass the test, you need a quick an easy way out of this. Memorizing facts can be a hard thing to do, but there are was to memorize, like writing them on flash cards and quizzing yourself, record facts/notes on your on your phone or just saying them over and over and over again! The technique I am going to talk about is recording facts and notes on your phone. Most phones are are used for social media and entertainment in our world. Recording notes and facts can one thing that we use our phones to be a bit educational. Simply just record using voice memos and go over your notes while recording, then when you need to study and memorize something you can just hear it while you are going through notes. It is useful now because you have every where you go on your mobile deceive

Time Management: 

 There are different ways that people do time managing. People can use agendas to keep there schedule on check or maybe put a certain time on the clock and get there thing finished in that time period. The thing that I will focus on is a app called myHomework App. With the myHomework you can quickly put your homework, tests, projects and lessons. You can also but in your class time to keep track of when your classes are and how long. Another factor is that you can reminded when your assignments are due so you can be on top of that.

Math & Stem:
With Math and Stem there are some hard problems out there that can't be figured out by mental math(Just doing the math in the mind) sometimes it is necessary to draw and illustrate pictures to help understand the problem better. With pictures you draw you can understand the question/word problem and what it is trying to explain without the tricky vocabulary used to confuse you. Sometimes graphs and diagrams are provided for the understanding of the question. An example if you don't get what I am trying to say is integers, asking a question like 5+(-7) sometimes you can draw and color a picture of chips lined up to figure out the sum, that is what I mean by illustration to understand a question. With this concept of bring illustration to Math and Stem it will be an way easier way to analyze and understand through your on drawing!      

Note Taking:

Note Taking can be a little hard especially because we sometimes don't know what to write down. Some just write down everything with out even noticing some of the things they wrote are irreverent, but today I'm going to write about how to take notes called bullet points. Bullet Points are a way of taking notes in fragment/not full sentences and still getting information. These are the things to note taking,when you are note taking write down important notes in bullets, do NOT write down the notes that are not IMPORTANT and dNOT write notes in complete sentences it in because may take a lot of your space on our page and maybe unneeded notes. Remember to write down your notes to help you on homework , information of test or quiz, or some notes for class that you thinks is important and you won't remember. Note taking is really easy when you to keep in mind these basic things to write down the important things in bullets.    

Organizing Tools:

When organizing tools, people use different techniques.
  • some people use sticky notes, 
  • some use agendas,
  • some use folders,
  • and some even use phone alerts!
 But the one we are going to focus more on is folders. Folders help you by knowing what you are going things do you need to have done for the next day or if you need to keep something at home. It also keeps you organized because you know what to do with the things in your folder and it makes your life soooo much easier because you know where you put your things from your school/classroom. You can also write down and put important notes that are from class to have. If you forget there's a important paper that you have to look at and finish just open your folders to see whats going on in class and be organized! 

By: Sukeji Tombe and Allison Roaro


Friday, December 5, 2014

Tool Box

Hi  this is GUADALUPE  and I am going to show you how to use your time wisely
this is how the app looks when you download it from your phone

Starting with time management  I discovered an amazing app called 30/30.
This app alows  you to organize your time with the touch of your finger tip.

There are enough deadlines in our world yet we somehow find ways to get distracted (look a fly)The app 30/30 makes the clock work for you by lining up your tasks for the day and then setting timers for their completion  simple and effective 30/30 helps you focus in ways you wouldn't have expected in a free iphone or ipad app.

So now moving on these are some examples on how to memorize your stuff

One of the best thing to do is to ask youtube literally. Just search it up like the video that I am about to show you is an example of just searching “capitals of the United States song.” You can look up the topic that you are studying for like math,social studies ,science,language arts and much more

  This is another way of memorizing things by making up fun phrase
like this one this is the phrase “Does Mc Donalds Sell Cheese Burgers” these are fun ways to remember how to do things in this example it is showing you how to divide there is many different ways that you remember things and I know you spend hours on your phone listening to music or instagram and all those social medias so why not spend less than 30 min studying.


Hi my name is Jenni and I am in charged in showing you how to take notes and how to be organized . One way to be organized is using your agenda when a teacher tells you that you have  a assignment take your agenda out and write it down . This  can help you stay organized and it will also help you stay less stressful and frustrated .

hi by

                        Different  ways to take  notes
B.M.E.C wich stands for beginning, middle, end and conclusion all you have to do is make 4 lines on your paper and  have some space (between the lines ) so you can write between them . So lets  say you are at school and the teacher is giving a lecture at the beginning of class write some info of that lecture in the 1st section and then the teacher just gives some examples of how to do long division  .In the 2nd sections just write some examples of what the teacher did. In the 3rd section just try to do it by yourself and write the steps  . In the 4th section write a conclusion of what you have learned .

    Reading and writing assignment tools
by Zamantha Chavez hi zamantha its me Jennifermm
A reading and writing assignment tool is to annotate when you are reading a passage or article because if you need to write a summary about it it will be more easy to write it because you already wrote a little summary about every paragraph(about a 2 sentences summary) so you kind of just put the sentences together and then you make changes and then you have a  summary.

The 5 W s

Another good tool for reading and writing assignments is the 5 w s .How they work is that you read the passage and then you and answer them (who, what, when,where,why) and that can also help you organize a summary.

Revise and editing

Another good tool for writing is too revise and edit so if you want to write something or you have to write a story for one of the classes (probably ELA) you can write and then edit then revise then edit so you can have a great story and a more awesome grade.

Different Ways to Take Notes

There are many different ways to take notes. We found 3 interesting new techniques on how to take good, easy, understandable notes.

1. The Cornell Method:

Everyone in this class should be familiar with this specific technique. You simply write all of your notes on the right hand side, while putting a vertical line down the left hand side. On the right hand side of the line is where you take the notes, while on the left hand side of the line is where the subject of what you are writing goes. Here is an example of the correct way to write Cornell notes:
These "5 R's of note taking" are rules/guidelines that you
should follow if you want to make good Cornell notes.
Here is a diagram of what Cornell notes should look like.

2. The Charting Method:

Another method of note taking is called The Charting Method. The Charting Method is when you make a chart with different columns such as How;Advantages; Disadvantages;What; and When to Use It; Then, list the the advantages, disadvantages, etc; ( You don't have to list my examples. Here is an example:

This is an example of how to use The Charting Method in an educational way.

You can use this type of method everywhere and anywhere. It is very useful when you don't want to write a lot in order to summarize a subject. It also helps you when you just need the facts.

3.The Mapping Method:
The last method is called The Mapping Method. It helps you visually understand all the information you need. For this technique, it's easier for you to highlight just the information that is helpful to you, not just all the information.

Those are the three helpful note-taking methods that should help you take better notes. I hoped that you learned how to take readable notes.